Monday, November 19, 2007

Hypodermic Hypochondriac

Continuation of B.S. Craigslist Postings.

Free hypodermic needles (used)

I live in an apartment building, and for some reason people like to abandon what appear to be used hypodermic needles. Every morning when I step out to get my paper there is at least a needle or two. I believe people have been using them to shoot up drugs in my stoop, because it is not well lit.

I have been saving these needles for several weeks now and have nearly 30 of them. I have washed them in Palmolive anti-bacterial soap and I assure you they are clean, and safe. I know a lot of people who do not have basic insurance or health care are paying astronomical rates for needles like this to treat diabetes or other illnesses.

I will give these needles for free to anyone who wants them, like I said I have done my best cleaning them and using anti-bacterial soap so they should be good to be used again.

This is in or around North Portland

DO NOT TRY TO CLEAN NEEDLES ANYMORE PLEASE! even if you bleach a needle(which is the best way to clean a needle)A microscopic drop of blood remains in the plunger rubber this drop once exposed to air becomes infected you can transmit Hep -C to whomever picks them up, that's assuming that the previous user did not have HIV or AIDS
Please dispose of immediately at a doctor’s office or any other Bio-Waste pick-up like a hospital
And if you poked your self at all please get tested Hep-C, HIV, Aids can lay dormant for years but will still be transmitted


This posting has been removed by the craigslist community.

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